
Showing posts from 2009

Next Tuesday - Smalltalk on the iPhone @ The Counting House

Just to remind you that the UK Smalltalk User Group meeting this month will be an invasion of the London XTC meeting on Tuesday 8th Sept at The Counting House from 18:00. The talk will probably kick off at about 19:00 ... or after 3 beers, which ever happens last. The speaker will be John McIntosh talking about Smalltalk on the iPhone , fresh from ESUG in Brest .

iPhone-free London Smalltalk meeting

It seems that Mr. McIntosh (he of the Smalltalk apps on the iPhone fame) will not be at the meeting happening next Monday, but may well be at the September meeting, stopping over in blighty on his way home after ESUG . For those who need to feel the presence of an iPhone, I understand that there will be at least one iPhone at the meeting this month anyway. So, it's the usual venue at 18:00 on Monday 10th August.

August (10th) meeting of the UK Smalltalk User Group

The nominal date for our meetings is the evening of the second Monday of the month, so that's: 18:00 on 10th August The default venue is the Counting House: There is talk that this meeting may involve some well known Smalltalk figures who are interested in iPhone applications ... so the event may move about a bit. But for now, the above is it, so: See you at 18:00 on 10th August at the Counting House!

April Meeting - April 20th

Hi all, the April meeting of the UK Smalltalk User Group will be held on Monday, April 20th, at our usual venue . We decided to postpone the meeting since this April the second Monday of the month happens to be a Bank holiday. This month, we'll make good use of the new, free WiFi connection offered by the Counting House to organize a Smalltalk hacking session. See you on Monday!

Reminder: March meeting tomorrow evening

Tomorrow evening (Mon 9th Mar from 18:00) we will be meeting at the usual venue for beer, food and Smalltalk. For this meeting we have a topic: The ANSI Smalltalk Syntax STEP STEPs are Smalltalk Enhancement Proposals. The The ANSI Smalltalk Syntax STEP is not really a proposal, rather it is capturing the syntax rules expressed in the current ANSI Smalltalk standard ( ANSI INCITS 319-1988) as EBNF . Why do this? Well, the ANSI standards are copyright (to INCITS in this case) and so we can't use the syntax definition as expressed in the standard document in Smalltalk STEPs, so we need a re-expression of the ideas that can be made available under an open license for future STEP work. If you just want to come along for a beer and a chat, that's fine too :-)

Mon 9th - Smalltalk Syntax STEP

The next meeting of the UK Smalltalk User Group meeting will happen on Monday 9th March from 18:00 at the Counting House (where good food and beer are readily available). The topic of this meeting will be building the STEP for ANSI standard Smalltalk Syntax ... which will be much more fun than you might think! Come along and see. If you have any questions or suggestions, make them on the user group mailing list .

March meeting new date - 2nd Mon

We have been meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month, but the first week seems to be full of all kinds of other stuff too, so Giovanni has suggested that from now on we meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. Seems like a good idea to me. The Counting House will be quieter so we should be able to always get a room :-) So, the next meeting of the UK Smalltalk User Group will be on Monday 9th March. If you wish to discuss this, just join the mailing list and post a message there.

February meeting tonight!

The UK Smalltalk User Group meet on the first Wednesday of the month at our regular venue, the Counting House pub on Cornhill in the City of London. The first Wednesday of Feb 2009 is tonight! See you there at 18:00.