Craig Latta - WebAssembly as a Smalltalk Compilation Target (v1) - 22 February 2023
WebAssembly (WASM) is an instruction format for portable high-performance code, run by a stack-based virtual machine. To Smalltalkers, this sounds very familiar. WASM is supported by the three most popular web browsers, and by other host platforms as well. Perhaps we can translate certain Smalltalk compiled methods to WASM, augmenting our support for physical processors and for livecoding the Web. For our February meeting, Craig Latta will describe his initial experiments, using the Epigram compilation framework.
Craig Latta is a research computer scientist in Berkeley and Amsterdam, with interests including livecoding, music performance, and interactive visualization. The discovery of a mysteriously-placed copy of the Blue Book at university led to stints at several exploratory labs, and a pursuit of improvisation wherever code is found.
This will be an online meeting from home.
If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup page to receive the meeting details.
Update 1 January 2025: The recording of the presentation is now available on YouTube: