Glamorous Toolkit - Wednesday, March 30th

 The next meeting of the UK Smalltalk User Group will be held on Wednesday, March 30th 2022.

Come to hear news about Glamorous Toolkit, the moldable development environment. We were busy over the past year: beside everything else, GT also became a multi-language notebook + programmable knowledge management platform. By this we unify the flows of programming, data science and knowledge management. And there might be a couple of other surprises, too.

Tudor Gîrba is a software environmentalist and CEO of where he works with an amazing team to make the inside of systems explainable. Much of the work is embodied in Glamorous Toolkit (, a novel environment that enables Moldable Development.

 This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup page to receive the meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

Update 4 June 2022: The recording of Tudor's presentation and of Ken Dickey's lightning talk are now available on Vimeo.


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