Expressive Systems: A business application framework on top of CodeParadise - Wednesday, May 25th

For our May meeting, Object Guild's Jonathan van Alteren and Erik Stel will give us a preview of Expressive Systems.

Expressive Systems is a framework inspired by Richard Pawson's work on Naked Objects. It allows Object Guild to rapidly develop flexible applications by focusing on the design of behaviorally complete objects in the business domain. By using a novel web application architecture based on CodeParadise, it allows direct manipulation of business objects by the user. The goal of the framework is to better support problem solving activities and to empower users by giving them a first-person experience. The framework is currently in a (private) alpha phase of development. There are plans to open source the framework in the future.

Jonathan has been developing business applications for various Dutch companies since 2001, in roles varying from programmer to solution architect. In 2018, he got hooked on Pharo/Smalltalk and never looked back.

Erik has developed both technical as well as business applications in a variety of areas using a broad range of technologies. He’s been a Smalltalk addict since using VisualAge in the late 1990’s.

This will be a hybrid meetup where we'll connect to Zoom from the The City Pride pub. If you'd like to join us either via Zoom or in person, please sign up on the Meetup page.

Update 11 June 2022: The recording of the presentation is now up on Vimeo.


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