Stéphane Rollandin - muO: musical objects for Squeak - 25 January 2023

For our first online meeting of the year, Stéphane Rollandin will talk to us about muO: musical objects for Squeak.

The presentation will focus on some of the interactive tools and subsystems widely used in muO, that are of interest in their own right, and potentially useful to others.
The main emphasis will be on the large family of zoomable fields, which are modular plotting editors. Stéphane will demonstrate the workflow they are designed for, and show in what sense it is a seamless and natural exploitation of the Morphic framework.
The code for these tools is somewhat entangled with the muO package, so Stéphane will also provide a Squeak image taylored to help people find their way there.

Stéphane Rollandin has been doing independent research on software for musical composition and representation for the last 20 years, during his whole careeer as a stay-at-home father.
After developing the GeoMaestro system for KeyKit, and the Csound-x package for Emacs, he was introduced to Smalltalk and never looked back. Besides muO, he developed for Squeak a modular Lisp interpreter, the LambdaMessageSend framework and a few games. He is now working on an experimental game engine with an emphasis on procedural generation and complex autonomous agents.
He was formally educated in physics, and his other artistic ventures are in photography and aikido. His music is freely available online.
Born in Marseille, he currently lives in the southern French Alps.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup page to receive the meeting details.

 Update 6 March 2023: The recording of the presentation is now available on Vimeo.



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