David Buck - Beagle Smalltalk - 28 June 2023

For our June meeting, Simberon's David Buck will present Beagle Smalltalk.

Over the past 8 years, David has been developing a Smalltalk virtual machine and image. He used it to release two Smalltalk Games which ran on Andriod and iPhone devices. More recently, he's re-written the VM to use a new bytecode set and re-written the Smalltalk compiler with a new framework to make a new Smalltalk environment called Beagle Smalltalk named after the ship that took Darwin on his voyage of discovery. David plans to release this as an open-source Smalltalk to help and encourage kids to explore the world of programming.

In this talk, David presents the current status of the project and where he hopes to go with it.

David Buck is the president of Simberon - a company that has been providing Smalltalk training and consulting for over 25 years. Along with James Robertson, David produced the Industry Misinterpretations podcast and later the Smalltalk Reflections podcast with Craig Latta. David remains a Smalltalk enthusiast and works to spread the word about Smalltalk.

 (This is a rescheduling of our December meeting)

 This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup page to receive the meeting details.


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