Christoph Thiede on SemanticText and Guille Amaral on Webside - 27 November 2024

Join us next Wednesday for an engaging double presentation on innovative advancements in Smalltalk programming:

### 1. SemanticText: Improving Exploratory Programming in Squeak with Generative AI

Presenter: Christoph Thiede
From autocomplete to conversational agents, AI is transforming how we interact with code. Christoph will introduce SemanticText, a framework that integrates large language models (LLMs) into Squeak/Smalltalk, enabling conversational agents, semantic search tools, and retrieval-augmented generation workflows. He will showcase experimental integrations with Squeak’s tools and present the concept of a semantic exploratory programming system for debugging and exploring systems using natural language.
Bio: Christoph Thiede is a member of HPI’s Software Architecture Group and a core developer of Squeak/Smalltalk, with a focus on enhancing developer productivity and tools.


### 2. Webside: A Unified HTTP API for Smalltalk

Presenter: Guillermo Amaral
Guillermo will discuss Webside, an API that standardizes communication with Smalltalk systems via HTTP and introduces its application as a fully operational IDE. He will highlight recent improvements in its extensibility and functionality.
Bio: Guillermo Amaral is the creator of Webside and has been a passionate Smalltalk user and advocate for over 20 years, leveraging it throughout his academic and professional journey.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup page to receive the meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

Update 8 January 2025: The recordings of the presentations are now available on YouTube:


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